Housing Emergency Response Kit (HERK)
Emergencies require immediate action, tailored to the impending loss – in this case, a severe lack of housing. What policies can the State, local governments, builders and the public most immediately implement on a short-term emergency basis, while still considering, debating and working through more long-term solutions? With that rationale in mind BIA-LAV has put together a Housing Emergency Response Kit (HERK – think Herculean).
HERK breaks down eight different housing policy topics and how they each affect the production of housing; The Missing-Middle, the Make Affordable Housing Projects Affordable, Inclusionary Zoning, Promote Utility Partnerships for Housing, Encourage Creative Housing Opportunities, Climate Change and Housing, Rent Control, and the CEQA Relief for Housing. Over the next few months we will be unpacking a different topic, weekly, in our Newsletter. Below, we have distilled each of these topics into quick one-page reads that explain the issue and various solutions to employ during a Housing Emergency. Not all of the HERK housing solutions are new, but the way we think of them should be.